The New Report by RAND corporation warns the U.S. to avoid War in Ukraine
New report by the RAND corporation is warning the United States to avoid escalation in Ukraine. The report explicitly states that the prolonging of conflict in Ukraine threatens U.S. interests.
The new detailed report entitled “Avoiding a Long War: U.S. Policy and the Trajectory of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict written by Samuel Charap & Miranda Priebe published by the RAND Corporation criticizes Washington’s policy of prolonging the war in Ukraine. The report discusses the ways in which the war between Russia and Ukraine could evolve and how different trajectories would affect U.S. interests. The authors argue that U.S. interests would be best served by avoiding a protracted conflict as the costs and risks of a long war in Ukraine are significant and outweigh any possible benefits for the United States.

Authors of this report suggest that Washington can take steps to make an eventual negotiated end to the conflict more likely by using four policy instruments: clarifying plans for future support to Ukraine, making commitments to Ukraine's security, issuing assurances regarding the country's neutrality, and setting conditions for sanctions relief for Russia.

RAND Corporation is known as one of the most powerful Think Tanks in the U.S. and often deem as the propaganda mouthpiece of the Military Industrial complex. Hence, RAND Corporation's new report, "Avoiding a Long War: U.S. Policy and the Trajectory of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict," urges the United States to avoid prolonging the war in Ukraine. The report suggests that the U.S. should focus on de-escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine by engaging in diplomatic efforts and providing humanitarian aid to the region.

The report while criticizing the existing policy of Biden’s Administration urges the U.S. to avoid providing military aid to Ukraine, as it could be seen as an act of aggression by Russia and could lead to an escalation of the conflict probably WWIII. The report proposes that the U.S. should focus on building trust with Russia and Ukraine by engaging in dialogue and working towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict.
The authors of the report give a detailed account concerning the root cause of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which is the biggest of its type since the end of WW II. Thus, through this report, the authors urge the importance of understanding the root causes of the conflict, and the role that historical, cultural, and economic factors have played in shaping the current situation. Additionally, the report highlights the need for the U.S. to work with other countries and international organizations to find a long-term solution to the conflict.
To be precise, the report states that the best way to avoid a long war in Ukraine and to serve U.S. interests is by focusing on de-escalating tensions, providing humanitarian aid, building trust through dialogue, understanding the root causes of the conflict, and working with other countries and international organizations to find a long-term solution. The authors also suggest that the U.S. can mitigate key impediments to Russia-Ukraine talks by using policy instruments such as clarifying plans for future support to Ukraine, making commitments to Ukraine's security, issuing assurances regarding the country's neutrality, and setting conditions for sanctions relief for Russia.
In contrast to the above, it seems that the political opinion concerning the U.S. Foreign policy approach toward the ongoing conflict in Ukraine is divided. The strategist and experts in Washington are well aware of the consequences of prolonging the war in Ukraine by supporting the Ukrainian regime with money and weapons. Acclaimed experts such as John Joseph Mearsheimer warned the U.S. at the very onset of the conflict to avoid involvement and pressure the Ukrainian regime to negotiate with Moscow. The latter report by the RAND corporation clearly indicates the ideological division among the U.S. political and security elites.